Hey everyone
I can speak and understand both French and English if it's easier for you.
Well everything is said. I launched RogueKiller, it starts automatically and it blocked at 40%, I imagine in English it's the phase "Process checking" (something like that, my software is in French). Aaaand I don't know what to do. I wait and wait and wait and it doesn't work. It hasn't been working for at least one month.
Hope you'll help me, thanks !!
Bonjour tout le monde!
Alors, en fait, RogueKiller bloque à 40%. Je le lance, il commence le prescan et il bloque à "vérification des processus". J'ai beau attendre, rien n'y fait. Ca fait un peu plus d'un mois que j'ai pas pu faire un scan ... Donc ... Eh ben, merci pour votre aide!!