I was scanning a file that I knew was a rat, to prove my it was a rat for a friend, after I scan I see that was a rat and what the rat was able to do, I scanned with Malwr website, I checked all the files and all of them were on my pc, I asked for help on a forum and a guy told me that Rogue is the best and if doesn't work, I have to format my pc, so since I'm here and the Subject is Help quick!!, you know that did not work, the problem is, I run Rogue, works fine, I click scan and it stop working.. I already tried to change the name it did not work. I'm running a windows 7 right now. I can't delete the files that are infected, because, I need permission of "TrustedInstaller". I really need help!!! My mouse move on himself, I have process on the TaskManager that I can't delete/End process, process such as "TrustedInstaller"..