Thank you tigzy, doing as you requested and starting a separate thread here. . .hope this is the right place!
To reiterate,
Without any success with the 64 bit version, I went through the sequence eight times with the 32 bit version, this also didn't work. All the times I did this, I didn’t have any dllhost.exe *32 (COM Surrogate) processes running at any time, so none to shut down, but I also clicked on ‘End Process Tree’ on the main dllhost.exe menu just to be thorough, getting the usual ‘one or more processes in this process tree could not be ended’ message. I would then click on delete in RK as fast as I could, and then with my other finger on the power button, would *immediately* shut down the computer. I can’t imagine being able to do all this any faster.
The only thing I can think of, is that my OS is on a SSD, and is so fast that the malware reloads almost instantly. Beyond this, I haven’t any ideas.
After reading the success that Rookie Williams finally had with using RogueKillerCMD to delete the Poweliks registry entry, I tried this. Unfortunately haven't been able to get RogueKillerCMD to run.
I guess I don't know the correct way to start it in the Command Prompt. It's on my Desktop, and when I type in the seemingly correct sequence, it starts for about 1/2 second, seems to display part of the list of commands and then shuts down. I've tried about 20 different ways but still no luck. For this I apologize.
An unpleasant thought: could Poweliks be able to update itself?
And it's been a bit spooky, for the last six hours or so, only a few small dllhost *32 processes running, instead of a dozen or more starting up every five minutes or so.
Also, didn't have the good luck that Kevin did; starting in safe mode and running RogueKiller did not work either.
Maybe if I could get RogueKillerCMD to run I maybe this all might work.
Again, my thanks!