Hi, I'm having problems with Zekos, that charming little... thing. I've attached the Roguekiller report, but here's some explanation: I'm running Windows 7 on an HP Pavilion laptop. I have Avast as my chief antivirus, and I think it might be blind. ("Oh no, no viruses here. By the way, some program is trying to open shady links and all sorts of gnarly stuff but I stopped it.")
The first time I ran Roguekiller, it informed me that it killed svchost.exe since it was infected. I was fine with this until my computer informed me it would be shutting down.
Upon restart, I went to 'run' and launched Roguekiller with -nokill. svchost.exe is still infected, but at least I got through the prescan and the scan without my computer whining about its favorite process being shut down. When the scan completed, a page loaded on my browser, telling me how to remove Zekos with Roguekiller. Awesome, I thought, and read the page, then watched the video.
Here's my problem, folks - nothing comes up with Roguekiller. The 'processes' tab still has svchost in red, type: Root.Zekos. Nothing in the 'files' tab. Not much of anything at all, in fact: some gray registry entries, everything in the hosts and web browsers tabs is green... and nothing else at all.
However! That random file that was mentioned in System32? Found it. On my computer it shows up as bmzz.faj, and cannot be deleted. At least not by simple human means. I've tried. Extensively. Probably not relevant.
Sooooo... how can I get rid of Zekos?