I'm having similar issues with poweliks.
Rouge Killer is actually the first scanner that found it. (per suggestion from my son-in-law)
During initialization,
TermThr is reported "Killed" Proc.svchost 4396 svchost.exe
During scan
registry Tr.poweliks HKEY USERS is detected and deleted
However, per the suggestions in other threads, recommending likking dllhost.exe, I am only able to kill the comm surrogate processes.
The original process cannot be killed because "Access is Denied"
Some time after rebooting, multiple dllhost.exe process begin to populate task manager processes.
Used task manager and Process Explorer to kill the dllhost, neither worked.
Like other posts, also noted conhost.exe randomly changing status/running in task manager, suspect it is related.
Also appears that if disconnected from the network/internet, the dllhost.exe will not propagate, must be looking for a connection to "wake"
Any suggestions?