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Messages - Gil-s

Pages: [1]
UCheck / Determiner la version "Still" ou "Frech" de Libreoffice
« on: February 09, 2024, 11:29:10 AM »

Je pense qu'il y a un d?faut de d?tection pour Libreoffice, sur le poste de travail, c'est la derni?re version 7.6.4 "Still" (Stable) qui est install?e et non la derni?re version 24.2.0 "Fresh". La version de Libreoffice "Still" est techniquement ? jour et Ucheck ne devrait pas proposer la mise ? jour "Fresh" car c'est un choix d?lib?r? que qu'installer la version "Still".
Il est n?cessaire de trouver un moyen de d?terminer le type d'installation "Still' ou "Fresh" sur le poste de travail avant de proposer la mise ? jour "Fresh", mais ... Est-ce qu'il y a un moyen ? Pour le moment, je n'en ai pas trouv?.

Bien cordialement

UCheck / Re: [SPLIT]A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 22, 2023, 11:40:50 AM »

Just a note to let you know that the new version fixes my proxy problem for the "Community list".



UCheck / Re: [SPLIT]A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 15, 2023, 08:28:12 AM »
Sorry it took me a while to reply, but I work from home on Mondays and Tuesdays.
By the way, at home, under my work vpn, the "Community list" goes down well.
I attach the file "UCheck_debug.log".

UCheck / Re: [SPLIT]A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 09, 2023, 08:49:02 AM »
I now have a technician's license and I wanted to test how it works at my workplace behind a proxy (anonymous like My problem is that the "Community list" counter on the Dashboard" tab is at 0 whereas the "Available for install" counter is at 257. Is the proxy configuration taken into account when connecting to the Community" server?
At home, it works very well and I have a four-digit "Community list" counter.

Best regards.

UCheck / Re: [SPLIT]A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 07, 2023, 08:05:33 AM »
Hi Imacri, Curson,

Thanks for all this information, it's much clearer now.
I'm going to get used to using this new software, I need to have fresh information on new software releases. I've got a fairly large fleet of computers and I need to update my deployment tools regularly for the most-used  software.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards

UCheck / Re: [SPLIT]A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 06, 2023, 11:13:07 AM »
What concerns me most in this report.
1 - LibreOffice is seen as outdated when it is the latest "Stable" version (version 7.6.2 is the latest "Fresh" version) on the LibreOffice website. Screenshot 1_To_Update_2023-11-06.png.

2 - Mozilla Firefox ESR (x64 en) (64 bits), version 115.4.0 is classified as gray in the installed software when it is in fact the latest version. Screenshot 2_Installed_2023-11-06.png.

3 - There are a large number of programs marked in gray that have the same version in both the "Version" and "Latest" columns. I don't understand what this means. Screenshot 3_Installed_Grey_2023-11-06.png.

I hope it's clear to you what I mean. UCheck is new to me. and I've just quit SUMo (which didn't distinguish between LibreOffice Stable and Fresh either).


General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: November 03, 2023, 03:52:15 PM »
Je suis un EX-utilisateur (lifetime licence et je pouvais modifier l'etat d'une version d'un logiciel de beta vers non-beta et inversement) de feu-SUMo (snif).
Je fais partie de la division informatique d'une administration d'etat et je m'appuyais sur SUMo pour tracer les mises a jour des logiciels de mon parc afin de les mettre a jour sur mon parc de PC au travers de nos outils de deploiement.
Je suis en train de tester la version Technicien de UCheck qui a l'air d'etre un bonne alternative.
L'interface me plait bien, la philosophie du logiciel aussi.
J'espere que mes essais aboutirons a l'adoption de UCheck.
Bien cordialement.

UCheck / Re: A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 03, 2023, 02:47:51 PM »
I am an EX-user (lifetime license and I could change the status of a software version from beta to non-beta and vice versa) of the late SUMo (snif).
I'm part of the workstation engineering division of a local education authority, and I used to rely heavily on SUMo to track software updates in my fleet, in order to update them on my PC fleet via our deployment tools. I'm currently testing the Technician version of UCheck:
I like the interface and the software philosophy.
I did an Admin scan on my work computer.
However, in the 'Installed' tab, if I sort on the 'Latest' column, some software appear highlighted, whereas the values in the 'Version' and 'Latest' columns are identical.
Some of the installed software have versions higher than the 'Latest' version, they must not be up to date in the UCheck database, and some installed software have the same version as in the 'Latest' column but differ by one or two characters.
I'm also very surprised that "Firefox ESR" and "Audacity" are not known.

I enclose an annotated sceenshot.

Best regards.

UCheck / [SPLIT]A comparison between SUMo and UCheck
« on: November 02, 2023, 10:54:17 AM »
Je suis un EX-utilisateur (lifetime licence et je pouvais modifier l'?tat d'une version d'un logiciel de beta ? non-beta et inversement) de feu-SUmo (snif). Je fais partie de la division ing?nierie du poste de travail dans un rectorat d'acad?mie et je m'appuyais beaucoup sur SUMo pour tracer les mises ? jour des logiciels de mon parc afin de les mettre ? jour sur mon parc de PC au travers de notre outils de d?ploiement, suis en train de tester la version Technicien de UCheck :
L'interface me plait bien, la philosophie du logiciel aussi.
J'ai fait un scan en Admin dans ma
Cependant, dans l'onglet 'Install?s' si je trie sur la colonne 'Derni?re' certains logiciels apparaissent surlign?s alors que le valeurs de de 'Version' et 'Derni?re' sont identiques et  je ne comprends pas pourquoi..
Certains des logiciels install?s ont des versions sup?rieures ? la version 'latest', il ne doivent pas ?tre ? jour dans la base de donn?e UCheck, et certains logiciels install?s on la m?me version que ldans la colonne 'Latest' mais diff?rent d'un ou deux caract?res.

Bien cordialement

Hello all,
I am an EX user (lifetime license and I could change the status of a software version from beta to non-beta and vice versa) of the late SUMo (snif). I'm part of the workstation engineering department of a local education authority and have relied heavily on SUMo to keep track of software updates in my fleet and to deploy them to my PC fleet using our deployment tools. I'm currently testing the technician version of UCheck:
I like the interface and the software philosophy.
I've run an Admin scan on my PC.
However, in the 'Installed' tab, when I sort on the 'Last' column, some software is highlighted while the 'Version' and 'Last' values are identical and I don't understand why.
Some of the installed software have versions higher than the 'Latest' version, they must not be up-to-date in the UCheck database, and some installed software have the same version as the one in the 'Latest' column, but differ by one or two characters.

Best regards

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