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Messages - Mugsy

Pages: [1]
RogueKiller / Re: RogueKiller will not install.
« on: January 03, 2020, 02:52:06 PM »
Thanks for the reply. I had my friend download the 64bit version but it too refuses to open when launched.

I had previously tried to install the 32bit version from Safe Mode a few weeks ago, but that too did not work.


RogueKiller / RogueKiller will not install.
« on: December 30, 2019, 08:40:58 PM »
I am trying to install RogueKiller on a friends computer (64bit Win10 Home), but it refuses to do so.

I downloaded RogueKiller but when I try to install it, nothing happens. The cursor goes busy for about two seconds and then goes back to normal. That's it.  :o

I've been working to remove a malware infection, and I'm pretty certain I've gotten it all. The only problem that remains is that "RogueKiller" refuses to install (even as Admin.)

I can load/run his "Avast" AV (yes, I've tried disabling it), MalwareBytes, and even "HijackThis" (v1.99) just fine. The ONLY app that still refuses to load/run is RogueKiller.

Any assistance is appreciated.

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