Adlice forum
General Category => News/Updates => Topic started by: Tigzy on December 16, 2019, 03:40:38 PM
This thread will be about RogueKiller Anti-malware new updates and announcements.
The software can be downloaded here:
Licenses can be purchased here:
Hello, version 14.0.2 is available :)
V14.0.2 12/16/2019
- Updated to core 4.0.2
* Fixed possible crashes in logging
* Fixed an issue with processes CLI exposing pipe names (some VPN softs)
* Fixed an issue where DocLock reset was not removing old entries
* Now displaying full command line instead of process path in history/events
* Cloud upload (async) when needed
* New telemetry data
* Minor fixes
- Updated German translation
V14.0.1 12/12/2019
- Updated to core 4.0.1
* Added ability to reset doclock folders to default
* Improved doclock remove all folders call
* Fixed possible crashes
* MalPE model 0.5 (fast)
* New telemetry data
* minor fixes
- Fixed an issue where self-exit displayed a warning
- Added ability to reset doclock folders to default
V14.0.0.16 12/10/2019
- Updated to core 4.0.0
* Real Time Protection
* Malware Protection module
* Documents Protection module
* Real Time Protection settings and UI changes
* Minor fixes
Hello, version 14.0.4 is available :)
V14.0.4 01/06/2020
- Updated to core 4.0.5
* Fix for getting username from SYSTEM account
* Fixes for scheduler engine
* Fixed FP remediation for Proc.Svchost detections
* Fixed exclusions when path have spaces
* Minor fixes
- Added "refresh" button for custom scan paths directories tree (to use on external drives (un)plugged)
- Fixed laggy UI at startup
V14.0.3 12/23/2019
- Updated to core 4.0.4
* Fixed Bad.Extension on Zero-filled
* Fixed heuristics in command-line scanner
* Fix for telemetry
* Fixed bad reference decrement in Yara scanner
* Fixed initialization order in worker threads
* Fixed ACLs removal in Debug module
* Fixed potential crash in Exclusions and History Events modules
* Minor fixes
- Added button to export RTP history
- Added button to export service log
- Added button to clear RTP cache
- Fixed warning about modules disabled when explicitely turned off by config
- Fixed an issue with exit warning not showing
- Updated German translation
- Updated Turkish translation
Hello, version 14.1.0 is available
V14.1.0 01/20/2020
- Updated to core 4.1.0
* Fixed a possible crash in Buffer module (implicitcasts)
* Fixed an issue where threat name wasn't properly parsed
* Reduced API calls frequency
* Update to rkflt 0.9.2
* Update to rksvc 1.1.0
* Fixed possible crash at exit
* DockLock: Prevent RW from rebooting
* DockLock: Prevent RW from using shadow copy removal
* DockLock: Fixed an issue where renaming whas not fully detected
* DockLock: Added RIPlace detection and blocking
* Updates libraries (jansson / cryptopp)
* Driver loading sanity check
- Added gamer mode (no notifications during full screen)
Hello, version 14.2.1 is available
V14.2.1 02/24/2020
- Updated to core 4.1.3
* Fixed url for signatures download
V14.2.0 02/24/2020
- Updated to core 4.1.2
* Updated libraries (openssl / libssh2 / libcurl /libyara)
* Fixed an issue in Path parser
* Update to rkflt 0.9.3
* Update to rksvc 1.2.0
* Fixed an issue where certain command lines could hang until timeout in rkflt
* Improved performances for scanning filesystem network resources
* Fixed scheduled version check
- Updated translations
Hello, version 14.3.0 is available :)
V14.3.0 03/23/2020
- Updated to core 4.2.0
* Libraries update (libzip / sqlite)
* New version manager (network failure proof)
* Flush DNS cache on network domain resolve error
* Fix for XP (libcurl rebuilt)
* Fixed a possible crash in PE parser (VersionInfo)
* [DocLock] Added suspicious digisig filtering => Mitigation against signed Ransomware
* [DocLock] Allowing more explorer processes
* Fixed an issue where process termination was not properly detected
* Update to rkflt 0.9.4
* Update to rksvc 1.3.0
* Update to roguekillerdll 3.2.0
* Update to roguekillerupdater 3.4.0
* Fixes for early logging
* Minor fixes
- My Account links
Hello, version 14.4.0 is available :)
V14.4.0 04/01/2020
- Updated to core 4.3.0
* Fix for XP (libzip, openssl rebuilt)
* Added scan warnings
* Added filescanner warning on abnormally long folder scan
* Added scan warnings JSON reporting
* Size optimizations
* Removed warnings
* New advert payload
* Added some logging
* Minor fixes
Version 14.4.2 is available :)
V14.4.2 04/29/2020
- Updated to core 4.3.3
* Fix for crash upload (limitation by dump is present)
* RKSvc 1.3.1
V14.4.1 04/29/2020
- Updated to core 4.3.2
* Fixed pipe disconnect (retry logic)
* Fixed pipe security
* Fixed IPC cache
* Added config auto-backup/restore
* Fixed self-update task
* Fixed crash reports upload
Version 14.5.0 is available :)
V14.5.0 05/27/2020
- Updated to core 4.3.4
* MalPE AI 0.6
* DocLock: Blocking suspicious NETSH
* DocLock: Blocking suspicious WMIC
* Added default printer location
* Added ability to scan files with context menu
* Added ability to scan network paths with context menu
* Added Browser extension type for exclusions
* Minor fixes
- Added white-circled icon
- Updater 3.4.1
* Fixed a possible crash at exit
Version 14.6.0 is available :)
V14.6.0 06/15/2020
- Updated to core 5.0.0
* Added more logs for Curl
* Proxy validation
* Trusight 3.0 (refactored with HLK validation)
* Antirootkit module re-integrated (silent mode as a 1st step)
* RogueKillerSVC: 1.4
* Minor fixes
Version 14.6.2 is available :)
V14.6.2 07/27/2020
- Updated to core 5.0.1
* DocLock: Mixed protection (FP mitigation)
* DocLock: Now preventing to add system folders
* Fix for Bad.Extension on files disguised as PE
- Fixed scheduled updates / button updates
V14.6.1 06/16/2020
- Fixed Truesight digital signature
- Updater 3.5
* Bigger and better
* Added cancel button
Version 14.7.3 is available :)
V14.7.3 09/15/2020
- Updated to core 5.1.3
* Fixed several memory leaks
* Leverage AME cache for DocLock classification
* Disabled RTP for portable config
* Minor fixes
- Fixed refresh issue on dashboard
V14.7.2 09/01/2020
- Updated to core 5.1.2
* Fixed potential crash in digisig module for x86
V14.7.1 08/31/2020
- Updated to core 5.1.1
* Fixes for Data Leak Prevention (BETA)
* Fix for digisig module (check file from cert store)
* Minor fixes
V14.7.0 08/24/2020
- Updated to core 5.1.0
* RKFlt 0.10
* RogueKillerSVC 1.5
* Added Data Leak Prevention (BETA)
* Deferred Kill to post-processing
* Fixes for MalPE pre-filtering
* Minor fixes
V14.6.3 08/10/2020
- Updated to core 5.0.4
* Fixed crash in PE parser
* Fixed crash in config Migration
* Minor fixes
Version 14.7.4 is available :)
V14.7.4 10/22/2020
- Updated to core 5.1.4
* Fixed potential issue with broken Shell extension (explorer context menu)
* Fixes for DocLock DLP FP mitigation
* Minor fixes
- Added Archives scan configuration
No more announcements here, please use the changelog link :